Award Eligibility: 2023

It’s that time again, and all the cool kids are doing it. If any of these stories strike your fancy, I’d be honoured to the max if you considered them in your award ballots, if you’re filling out any award ballots this year. They’re all eligible exclusively as short stories.

“A Billion Miles From What Was Home”

This is my “after Las Vegas is inevitably swallowed by the desert sands” story, which I’d been tinkering with in one form or another since Clarion West in 2019. It unfortunately doesn’t appear anywhere online, so the easiest way to get it may be from Amazon.

“All the Things I Could’ve Done That Wouldn’t Have Been So Devastating”

I find something appropriate about the shortest story I’ve ever published having the longest title out of any of them. It’s also my only free-to-read story of 2023, appearing here at Baffling Magazine, and is my only giant queer lady story of 2023 as well. Don’t worry, though. There are more coming.

“And Prison On My Back”

When the editors of Luminescent Machinations called, who was I to say no, especially since I was already working towards a piece for submission anyway? This is my Trans Feels story of the year, and was shaped by a) being the first thing I wrote after I got punched in the face by covid, and 2) me racing to finish it before the Russo-Ukrainian War started, because in early February it was clear something was going to happen and I wanted this done without that extra stress. (I finished on February 16th, so just under the wire.)

“To Keep the Way”

Here’s another story written in a rush; I’d written something entirely different for the Rosalind’s Siblings anthology, and when that lost steam I ultimately sold that story to another market — and a week later, I learned that Rosalind’s Siblings was happening again. The title comes from Genesis by way of the Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri intro, which has had a place in my head for a long, long time now.

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